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Missing Classmates

We need your help finding these people! If you have email, mailing addresses, and/or phone numbers for any of these people, please let us know.
The list from the last reunion has been lost, and the school is closed now so we need all the help we can get finding people. Thanks!

Class of 1987

Denise LeBlanc
Richard Williams
Renae Sroda

Class of 1988

Michelle Hanks
Kelly Eubanks
Paul Horn
Lance Tiner
Amy Sarrafian
Kristin Stephens

Class of 1989

Scott Phillips
Paul Jenkins
Jon Gilchriest

Class of 1990

Nicole Ball
Carla Chesser
Courtney Hanks
Nicola McGuire
Betty Moulis
Meredith Perkins
Elizabeth Reale
Mary Simmons
Courtney Snowden
Angie Thornton
