Marianne Morgan

I live in... Austin
Marital Status Married
Name of Spouse Hugh Morgan
Children Melody, Misty and Noelle
Date of Wedding long long ago
College several
Degree education/art
Occupation art teacher in Round Rock ISD

We live on the side of a canyon in Austin, and I drive in heavy traffic to Round Rock every day where I still teach art as if the world depends on it...... this year, my campus selected me as teacher of the year, which means that I have l8 pages of paperwork to fill out in short essay form...this year, I have 450 students, which is an improvement over 650 from last year...imagine 32 kinders in one art room, for 50 minutes....this year, we hired a second art teacher, who assumes part of the student load... I miss the old art room at BCH, with the Senior's names around the wall, and my Starry Night desk...Van Gogh would have been proud....last summer, I attended college at Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado, and studied Native American pottery...decided that I really don't like having clay under my fingernails and between my toes....but it was an earthy on campus and walking to classes was totally breathtaking at that altitude...besides teaching art, I! also paint designs on furniture, and string beads from Santa Fe, as the supply exists, and move rocks around in my "yard".This summer, I would like to drive to Maine to see Christina Olsen's house, from Christina's World, and pose in front of it in a lobster pink dress, sitting in Christina's exact place....meanwhile, I hope that all of you former students remember your art history if you get on the Millionaire show, and answer the question right.....ta ta, Mrs. Morgan.....still dancing as fast as I can......
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