Patrick Garland

Class Year 1989
I live in... Los Angeles, CA
Marital Status Single
After High School, I... Went to College
College University of Central Florida
Degree BA in Radio/TV Communications(1994)
Occupation Actor/Writer

"Hi, I'm Patrick Garland... you may remember from films like "New Year's Grieve", "The Rabbit Song" and "My name is Grover".
Yes, these are really the names of films I've been in. Never saw a script I didn't like I guess.
Here I am in Los Angeles living out my crazy dreams. Doctor, Lawyer, way. It's an actor's life
for me! The best thing about living in L.A. is I actually get to see the air before I breathe it.
Before heading out west I lived in Orlando for most of the 1990'es. Umm...grunge, MTV's "The Real World", and
a blockbuster movie about a leaky ship. How I miss that decade. So anyway.... I was working in the broadcast news
business in Orlando... than one night on New Year's eve I was partying like it was 1999 and next thing
you know I was in L.A. I've got to stop doing stuff on a dare."
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