Thank you for visiting the Beaumont Christian High School Online Reunion!

Your full name:
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Would you be interested in attending a BCH reunion for the classes of 1987-'90?   Yes, I would   No, I wouldn't

If the reunion were to be in Beaumont during the summer of 2002, which month would be best for you?

What would you like to do at the reunion?   picnic with our families   dinner at a hotel or country club
  dinner at a restaurant   dinner and/or dance at the BCH building, if we can get it
  tour of the old building (Ridgewood campus)

How much would you be willing to spend for your family to attend a BCH reunion? (not including travel and hotel costs)

Would you like to be on the planning committee?   Yes, I would   No, I wouldn't

Please provide any comments or ideas in the space below: Stunning, fast, FREE!    
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