Holli Ann Thomason (Honchen)

Email honchen@bellsouth.net
I live in... Jacksonville, Florida
Marital Status Married
Name of Spouse David
Date of Wedding March 4,1994 eloped then Aug 25, 1994 for the church wedding :0)
Children Cole 5, Tori 4, Austin 19 months
After High School, I... Went to College
College university of north florida
Degree still working on it
Occupation child care provider out of my home

i am looking for anyone who remembers little ole me. i have lost touch with one of my best friends beth williams. if anyone knows how to get in touch with her please let me know. i miss her sooooo much. i am now living in florida where i am happily married to my husband of 7 years, david. he is in the navy as an AW. he hunts for enemy subs in an airplane. we have three beautiful children. i spend my days playing with children. after teaching pre-k for a bit i decided to stay home with my own and do child care out of my home for the military children. i love it because i can stay home, see all the "1st" and never wear shoes to work. ha. i hope that all are well. contact me!!
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