Chapter 71
The Boys had a hectic schedule. It was any wonder how they kept up with the pace all year long, with the ungodly hours, the screaming fans, and the high energy show. I hardly found time to sit down with all the running around and press conferences. The meet and greets were a challenge. Denise, AJ’s mom, she would keep Leighanne and I at a distance, so that the fans wouldn’t bombard us. We could watch the excitement from a balcony, or off to the side as our men were asked for pictures, hugs, autographs, and so forth.
Sunday was a hectic day for me. I hadn’t had a chance to get anything for Nick. Valentine’s Day was only 24 hours away, and I had yet to figure out what to get for him. I sat and thought about a gift, and soon figured out that with such little time to shop, I would write a poem for him.
While Nick and the others were at dress rehearsals, I prepared the poem that I would give Nick in the morning. I sat down with a pencil and paper and started to write out the words I felt in my heart. I knew that no matter how simple or how detailed it was, it would touch the hearts of us both. Although I didn’t have the talents that Nickolas had, I tried my hardest to come up with something I could be proud of.
“For everything you give me in life....I give you my love. For all the precious moments you have given me, I give you my love...” I said aloud and then scratched it out. “No, no, I will get this. I give you my love...I give you my love...Let’s see, I give you my love, because...” I kept saying over and over again.
After about three hours of no progress, a revelation came to me. I wrote the entire poem in about 15 minutes and then went to get ready for the show. Nick soon returned from rehearsals.
“Heather, it’s almost time to go to the show. Were you coming tonight?” Nick said as he walked in.
“Yeah! I’m back here getting ready. Could I ask a favor, please? Could you bring me a glass of water?” I yelled from the back of the bus.
“Sure.” He replied and then came back to our makeshift bedroom. “Here ya go hon. Hey, you look beautiful.” He said as he smiled at me.
“Thank you.” I whispered as my cheeks flushed. I had put on a pair of black pants, and a long sleeved silver a-shaped shirt that flowed easily over my tummy. I then put my hair up in a ponytail with a silver ribbon. I thought I looked kinda cool, for being 5 months pregnant. Okay, more like a water buffalo in a sparkly shirt, but hey, it was the best I could do.
“What have you been doing since I was gone, sweetie? I hope you weren’t too bored.” Nick said thoughtfully.
“Oh no, I was working on something special for you, since tomorrow is Valentine’s.” I said with a smile.
“Ah, yes, Valentine’s...” he responded with a grin. “Well, are you ready to go?” he said as he took my hand.
“Yes sir, let’s go see you in action.” I grinned.
We went to the arena and I got some time to chat with the guys for a bit. I soon found Fatima and asked if I could have a moment with her. She and I spoke for a few minutes, until the show as ready to start.
“Fatima, I know that you have been upset with Nick lately. I assure you, he is just scared and upset. You see, my illness is getting worse, and since I refuse to accept treatment, it makes him nervous. He is just worried. I assure you, I will try my best to keep him from being late, and from being distracted. I promise.” I said sincerely to Fatima.
“I truly understand. I am just sorry that you are both going through this. I know it must be hard, and all of us have talked, and we are giving Nick some space and slack. He is a very hard worker and a very strong young man. I am sure that everything will be just fine. Now, don’t you worry, I have it all worked out. Are you ready to watch the show of your life?” she asked.
Leighanne and I were then escorted to our VIP seats right at the edge of the stage. Not only did we have the best view, but we also were away from the fans. Every chance that Nick and Brian got a chance, they winked and waved and blew kisses to us. It wasn’t until the five lucky girls and their mothers came up that my heart was touched by their sincerity. As they walked the girls around the stage, I could see the gleam in their eyes. The Boys all wanted families someday and this brief moment to thank their fans and the mothers was just but a small way of having that feeling. Nick was especially touched when the tiny girl he walked around gave him a huge hug and smiled brightly. He couldn’t wait until his child was born to see such a sweet smile. He didn’t care if it was a boy or a girl, but knew that no matter what...he would give his child all the love he had in his heart.
I made me feel so good to know that Nick didn’t feel any despair or worries while he was up on stage. It was his escape...the escape from life, the escape from all the bad things that were happening, and just a brief moment of extreme happiness. It was happiness that I was unable to give him lately. I was depressed all the time, tired, and unable to keep up with his hectic life style. I knew that Nick and I were inseparable and my illness took a toll on his life. He wanted nothing more to be with me every moment he could, but his job was also important, even though he didn’t think so.
By the time the show had ended, I was stunned at how much energy the guys had put into it. They looked exhausted, but despite that, they still had backstage meetings to do. All those lucky fans that had backstage passes would never be turned away by the guys, and I knew it. Security escorted Leighanne and I to the Boys dressing room to freshen up and then go with them to greet the fans. I loved getting a chance to meet the fans. It was always interesting to see them and the gifts that they brought to the guys.
After about 30 minutes of waiting, the Boys came out to meet the lucky fans. I held Nick’s hand as we walked up to the group of girls.
“Nick!!! Oh My GOD!!! It’s Nick!!!” one young girl screamed.
“And their is HOWIE, and AJ, and KEVIN...and MY’s BRIAN!!!!!!” screamed another.
The fans crowded around us all. Brian was asked questions about how he was feeling, his heart, and Leighanne. He was gracious and proud to tell the fans that all was well. Kevin was asked why Dee wasn’t accompanying him on the tour and he sweetly told them that she had a few designs to finish for the Grammy’s, and that she would be joining them later this week for a few days. As for Howie, Kat was away and was unable to join the tour until later, but few knew about her. Howie had not gone public yet with his feelings for her, so, she was safe, so to say. Now, AJ, was another problem. Everyone had heard about the problems AJ had gone through recently, and was glad to see he was better. The public never knew what caused AJ to be put in the hospital, only that he almost took his own life. The girls bombarded him with questions and hugs. They were so happy to see each of the guys doing well.
When the girls saw me, they immediately got quiet. One girl finally broke the silence by asking, “Nick, how are you and Heather coping with her illness and the pregnancy?”
“Umm, we are doing well. Heather is doing well considering the pressures of traveling.” Nick answered carefully.
“Is Heather going to die??!” One small girl asked, tears streaming down her face.
Nick and I looked at each other, trying to keep our composure. It was difficult, but we answered the young girl. “No, I am not going to die. The baby is going to be fine and then I am going to get better. Don’t you worry sweetheart.” I said and then hugged her.
The rest of the fans took great pride in asking for autographs and pictures
with the guys. Leighanne and I loved to watch them, and were occasionally
asked to be in pictures too. We always smiled and took it all in
stride and finally went back to go to sleep. Tomorrow would be a
great was Valentine’s.