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Brune Motors & Fabrication

BMF Field Trips

BMF: Detroit, MI: August 17-20, 2000
TAMOR: Alto, TX: February 3, 2001
TAMOR: Las Cruces, NM: March 10-16,2001
TAMOR: Gilmer, TX : July 21, 2001
BMF: Detroit, MI: August 16-19, 2001
TAMOR: Gilmer, TX: September15-16,2001
TAMOR: Alto, TX: October 13, 2001

Ladies and Gentleman, it is my honor to introduce you all to the newest member of the BMF Scout collection. This fine piece of machinery seen below has been dubbed Lurch, and will be Fred's daily driver so that his car can stay here in a garage safe from college parking lot door dings.

A couple pics of SCOUT before I put the 4" Triangle Springs on her.

This is Scout with the 35" BFG MT's on her, got a good deal.

A little flex, just a little rubbing, might need to massage the fenders a little.

A pic of Scout after the 4" springs, ten minutes after getting the 33's. Note removal of excess crap I used to call a bumper from the front of the vehicle.

A little comparison shot between a stock height spring Scout with a two inch body lift, and a Scout with a 4" suspension, reverse shackled, 1.5" body lift. Note Brandon's schweet liscense plate.

The rear isn't quite as dramatic, due to the fact that I haven't remedied Scout sitting 2" lower in the back than front. Can you say rear Spring over? I can.

Scout at the MSC Truck Show with some of her TAMOR friends.

Those CRAZY TAMOR kids in Rudder Fountain, pussed out real quick when radio man came outside however...

This happens to scouts in which the front rear spring mounts are not reinforced.
This page explains how I fixed this problem.

This is a close up of the towers that were welded to the front of my frame to make my reverse shackle kit work. I got the kit from Scout M.A.D.ness, pretty good kit, could have used a little fit and finish work, but I am satisfied with it.

This is fred-o's car at Keller's in Dallas, It is on the road again, and drew blood the first day back, silly f*rd guys...

Click on Fred's car above to see why these guys are so interested in it. It is just an RS on a dyno, why should anyone care...

Fred's Flyass wheels, looked great until he t-boned a lady because she ran a red light. It will be back soon, better than before of course.

These are some pics of my friend Ryan's Jeep doing some wheeling in Laramie, Wyoming. It has a cute little supercharger on it that puts out like 6 lbs. of boost. Ry is at Wyoming Tech and learning to become the next world leader of Hot Rodding (or something to that effect...)

Here are some pics of Ry's new jeep. It has the 8" rock ready and 35's, it is freakin huge. It would flex better than it does in these pics, but the fenders seem to get in the way :)

The body lift on this truck is the culmination of an afternoon of beer drinking, and cussing, looks pretty good, wish I had a before shot, a 3" body is a lot of lift for a little ranger.

This my friends was by far the coolest thing I ever did in high school. This fine piece of engineering was called "The Machine". Man we had some fun in that bad boy. Incidentally the horns are now sawed off and hanging in my living room. (WHOOP!) We used to load up and go to all the football games, our record was 21 passengers... glory days man, glory days.

Regulation height detachable goal, came in handy at Highland Park tailgate parties...

Claven: 1967 Postal scout, minimal rust, 4 cylinder, automatic, right hand drive, she is sold, sorry I know it is a great letdown...

Evel J on his old bike...

No it isn't that muddy... sleeping it off and two trucks pulling at the same time got her out...I just assumed a stock Dodge could get through a little dried up lake bed. I wish I had pics of the Dodge Diesel and full size Chevy both pulling to get us out.
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