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Las Cruces Day 1

The Las Cruces trip took place over our spring Break.These pictures from day one were actually taken from three different days, because getting there is half the fun right? Preparing for this trip took more than one all nighter, and lots of blood sweat and tears. There were a few trucks that driving them on to the trailer was considered the test run. I locked my front axle, sprung over the rear, fabricated a gas tank skid plate, whipped up a couple of rock crusher bumpers, and modified my driveshafts before the trip. I thought this was a lot, but not compared to what some of the others did.
The trip started Friday night by Kollins "knocking the bottom out of" the door at Brandon's shop with his roof rack. This was extremely funny and I wish I had a few pictures of that. RJ made short work of it with a BFH, but it was still funny as hell. Then work continued well into the night, well moreso RJ working and Fred and I drinking beer, but we deserved it at that point. We were prepared to leave the following morning at the designated time of 7:00 am, but soon discovered that Mark "McGyver" Shipman wasn't leaving until further into the afternoon. Once we realized there was a later flight to Cruces we were all set. All went well and we left around 4:00 in the afternoon, we drove across Texas getting wonderful :) gas mileage in the west Texas wind. When we decided to bunk for the night in Fort Stockton, we both filled up and then went to pull into the "Big Rig sleeping area" for the night. Mark's Suburban Clint said no. We figured out that night that it was the fuel pump and replaced it in the morning. Ever drop a full Suburban fuel tank in an exxon parking lot, that sucks. We then were on our way and made it to The Best View RV Park, around 9:00. Best View was really a pretty nice place other than the wind, but I guess thay really can't control that. Teh first day of wheeling Fred and I were on our own. We took about five minutes too long getting ready and were left behind. When they came back to look for us, we had already went out looking for them,and we never caught back up with the rest of the group. This was a good deal though because we got to test out scout and our driving skills, since this was the first time for us to do this kind of thing. When we finally causght back up with the rest of the group we went to look at an extreme trail. This was an eye opener. I tried to follow Scott in his toy for a while and then decided that maybe I need a spotter where he could just cruise through. I banged a diff or two and then got a spot. Troy broke an axle shaft (on the way out the door anyway) and Matt bent the heck out of his tie rod. Then we went and watched Scott amke it look easy. The rest of the day was spent kicking back by the fire and telling lies.

Scout and Dragula looking Sexy in front of Brandon's shop in Bryan.

Ever see Ace Ventura? Remember that part when the crazy kicker goes off about the laces being out, and that is why he missed the kick? Laces out to remind us to pull out of overdrive. That was way too long of an explanation for this pic...

The Dragula making a recovery with a little help from Scout. Good thing we were just going across the parking lot.

Me with my new Truck Stop "A&M OFF-ROAD" hat, man way too many late nights took their toll, but it was a big hit when combined with Bubba teeth and redneck jibberish talk.

Mark disposing of the old fuel pump and Fred expressing our sentiments.

Pretty desert

Revolvers + springover = kickarse flex

And it is final, the judges have reported zero front flex...

Like I said before, the first day was good, we tested out Scout and took some good pics of her just being the sexy girl that she is.

Mark once again had to work on his vehicle, this time it was Norm. Had to replace his axle U-Joints before he even got to wheel, here is Mark disposing of the offending joint and Fred once again expressing his sentiments.

A few pics of the extreme trail we went to take a look at and Scott making it look too easy.

Matt and his bent Steering, told you that you shouldn't have listened to Rodney on that one, that boy will get you in trouble...

On to Day 2