DECEMBER 4, 2000
ATTENDING: Margaret Francone, Tony Francone Jr., David Turnage, Frances Garcia, Maria Hare, Terri Wood, Sheila Villarreal, Laurie Bettis, Dave Shelburne, Helen Irvin, Vicki Hegemeyer
Call to order.
Approval of Minutes Motion was made by Tony Francone to accept the minutes from the meeting of November 6, 2000. Motion seconded by Laurie Bettis. Motion carried.
Financial Report- Motion was made by Vicki Hegemeyer to accept the financial report as read by Laurie Bettis. Motion seconded by Maria Hare. Motion carried.
District Christmas Party/Round Table Reminded everyone of this event Nomination forms are due at this time. There will be a Dutch Oven cook off.
December Court of Honor/Troop Christmas Party December 11, 2000 at 7:00pm at FUMC. Decorations will be taken by Kathleen, need to set up and people will be needed for clean up. Approximately 75 people to attend. Will order BBQ from DiIrios, everyone else has assigned food items to bring.
Service Projects There have been a couple service projects lined up for the boys to do.
Clean/Paint the Scout Room, will get some Scout posters for the walls
Community Outreach This is on the 18th, the boys are still in school, so possibly wont be able to do.
Old Business
Policies & Procedures Manuel/Scout Handbook Motion was made by Laurie Bettis to accept and approve the manual with the corrections as read by Sheila Villarreal. Seconded by Tony Francone Jr. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Laurie Bettis to accept and approve the Scout Handbook. Seconded by Dave Shelburne. Motion carried.
It was discussed to bind these in 3 ring notebooks for ease of adding amendments as needed. There will be a signature sheet included in these to be returned by the parents/scouts.
Committee Positions The following committee positions were elected:
Chairperson Sheila Villarreal
Secretary - Margaret Francone
Treasurer - Laurie Bettis
Chaplain - David Turnage
Outdoor Activities Vicki Hegemeyer
Training - Richard Uzzell
Advancements - Helen Irvin
Webelos/Scout Transition - Tony Francone
Open Forum -
Being no other business the Committee meeting was adjourned.