February 05, 2001
ATTENDING: Margaret Francone, Sheila Villarreal, Raul Villarreal, Laurie Bettis, Maria Hare, Frances Garcia, Helen Irvin, Tony Francone Jr., David Turnage, Vicki Hegemeyer, Matt Wood
Call to order.
Approval of Minutes Motion was made by Tony Francone to accept the minutes as read by Margaret Francone from the meeting of January 8, 2001. Motion seconded by David Turnage. Motion carried.
Financial Report- Motion was made by Tony Francone to accept the financial report. Motion seconded by Maria Hare. Motion carried.
Re-Charter Everybody has paid. Re-charter is complete.
District Award Winners Sheila announced the recipients of District Awards.
District Award of Merit Margaret Francone
Scout Master of the Year Raul Villarreal
Commissioner Award Sheila Villarreal
Advancements - Helen Irvin
Webelos/Scout Transition - Tony Francone
Scoutmaster Report Boys are working on events there are some conflicts with the dates - Scouting in Action & Conservation @ Strake.
Troop Expense Request Sheila requested the approval of some material to be displayed in the Scout Room. Approximate cost is $90.00
Updated Merit Badge Poster
Outdoor Code
Scout Oath
Scout Law
Drape (Banner)
Motion made by Tony Francone to approve the purchase. Motion seconded by Matt Wood/Vicki Hegemeyer. Motion carried.
Troop Camp Tables Sheila requested the approval of the purchase of supplies to build 4 picnic table and 2 camp tables at an approximate cost of $100.00. Tony will build these. Motion made by Matt Wood to approve the purchase. Motion seconded by Laurie Bettis. Motion carried.
Summer Camp Reservation forms went to the boys tonight. Payment of $35.00/scout is due 2/14/01 this is an estimated number. Bus deposit is $100.00 to be sent now to reserve the bus. Balance will be due 14 days prior to trip. Confirmed price of bus is $3995.00. Tent rentals are $120 for 10 tents. Need number to reserve and approval to rent the tents. Motion made by Tony Francone to rent tents at camp. Motion seconded by Vicki Hegemeyer. Motion carried.
Training Opportunities Sheila shared some information on new training available that she would like the Troop Committee to get Committee Challenge Training we set a date of May 6, @ 2:00pm, possibly at Sheilas office if Church is not available.
Will try to set up a Jr. Leader Training in May if possible.
Upcoming Events
Blue & Gold Banquet Starts @ 5:30 on Saturday, February 24 the Pack has asked the Troop to serve the meal. Parents of Boys serving are welcome to attend.
Arrow of Light OA Boys want to do this ceremony. Set for Saturday, March 24 at Chapman Wood Ranch.
Scouting in Action Saturday April 7, this conflicts with the Conservation weekend at Strake, maybe the new boys can do this event.
Scout Room Painting set for February 17, will paint in the a.m.
Open Forum
Tony Advancements Suggested that the boys receive their Rank Badge shortly after completing their Board of Review instead of waiting till the next Court of Honor. We will do a simple ceremony at the Blue & Gold.
Being no other business the Committee meeting was adjourned.