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Adopted revised copy in August, 2002.


Revisions in Red

Troop General Funds Allocation and Fundraiser Policy

General Fund Fundraiser Policy-  

General Funds, if available, will be used to pay for Troop Registration Fees, Awards, Courts of Honor, Equipment, Repairs, Camping Supplies and any other item that the Troop Committee approves.  The Troop will have fundraisers to maintain the General Fund at a level that will meet the Troop Budget.  

Each Scout and family will be required to help with fundraisers that benefit this General Fund.  Without fundraisers Troop 108 would not be able to offer a quality program.  To insure that the benefits from the General Fund are fair to all Scouts the following policy will be implemented.

Troop 108 has an annual fee of $200.00, which is the average annual expense for each Scout.  It is payable semi-annual immediately following each fundraiser.  Each scout receives a credit for the total percentage up to 100% based on Scout and Family participation in the Fundraiser.  (Ex: If family meets required fundraiser participation guidelines they receive a $100.00 credit). 

Troop 108 basically has two fundraisers per year, July and November  Each Scout’s Troop fees will be credited as follows:


Scout Participation in the Fundraiser:                                25% of fee

Scout Meets General Participation Guidelines:                25% of fee

1 Parent works Fundraiser:                                               25% of fee (Single Parent 50%)

2 Parents work Fundraiser:                                               25% of fee

(This can be 1 parent working 2 shifts)


Please note that this is for each scout.  If you have more than one scout you must work for each one individually.  Ex: If you have two scouts each parent must work the required shifts for each scout. Each family may divide out how their shifts are worked although if the Scout does not work he may not meet unit participation guidelines set in the policy and procedures required for advancement

Scout Accounts Policy-

If on recommendation from the Treasurer to the Troop Committee it is determined that the budget has been met and additional funds can be distributed to the Scout’s Accounts the following formula will be used.  

Total amount to be credited divided by number of Scouts who worked = Maximum amount

Ex: $500.00 total divided by 10 Scouts who worked = $50.00 maximum per Scout  

Scout Participation in the Fundraiser:                                  25% of Maximum

Scout Meets General Participation Guidelines:                  25% of Maximum

1 Parent works Fundraiser:                                                   25% of Maximum(Single Parent 50%)

2 Parents work Fundraiser:                                                   25% of Maximum

(This can be 1 parent working 2 shifts)


Popcorn Sales – If a Scout chooses to participate in the annual popcorn sales all profit will be applied to his account.  Participating in Popcorn Sales does not apply to the Troop General Fund fundraiser policy.

Special Fundraisers – If a fundraiser is planned for a specific event or activity the Committee will set guidelines pertaining to that fundraiser only.  Participating in a special fundraiser does not apply to the Troop General Fund fundraiser policy.