Hempstead Boy Scout Troop 108
Committee Meeting Agenda
November 6, 2000
This agenda will be finalized by noon on November 6, 2000
If you would like to request an item to be added to the agenda please contact:
Sheila Villarreal
or call
1. Call to Order
2. Welcome
3. Minutes
4. Financial Reports
5. Fundraiser – Civil War Reenactment
6. December Court of Honor
7. Recognition – 4 Troop 108 Scouts inducted to the Jr. Beta Club making total 5.
8. Summer Camp
A. Buffalo Trails – Original Reservation 6-17 through 6-23 changed to 7-1 through 7-7
B. Cima River Camp – Reservation for 6-17 through 6-23 can be changed to 7-8 through 7-14
9. Scoutmaster Report
A. Past Events
B.Upcoming Events
10. Old Business
A. Policy/Procedure Manual and ScoutHandbook
B. Committee Positions
C. Committee Training
11. Open Forum
12. Adjourn