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SEPTEMBER 11, 2000

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ATTENDING: Margaret Francone, Tony Francone, Jr., Kathleen Turnage, Laurie Bettis, Vicki Lewis, Maria Hare, Sheila Villarreal, Dave Shelburne

Call to order.


Approval of Minutes – Motion was made by Kathleen Turnage to accept the minutes from the meeting of August 7, 2000. Motion seconded by Tony Francone. Motion carried.


Financial Report- No Financial Report given


Summer Camp – Reservations have been confirmed for River Camp for 6/17/01 to include 18 Scouts and 6 Leaders. Must decide by February if this is the camp we will go to this year. Have not received anything from BTSR yet.


Policies & Procedures Manuel – Worked thru Chapter 7. Will finish at the next committee scheduled for October 2, 2000. Information needed by the following people for the next meetin

Dave – Merit Badge Counselors


Tony – Knife limitations


Laurie – Returned Check Policy


Being no other business the Committee meeting was adjourned.