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Millennium Quiz

Welcome to a little quiz I developed to test your brains while you have nothing better to do. There are some trick questions, some cryptic ones and some general knowledge questions as well. To get the answers, highlight the space beneath the question and it will magically reveal itself.

Try your best.

What is 5 divided by 0.5 plus 3?


What word in English is always pronounced incorrectly?


In the US, is it legal for a man to marry his widow's sister?

No, because if he had a widow, he'd be dead

How much dirt is there in a dirt that measures 2ft x 3ft x 4ft?

None. There in nothing in a hole

Some months have 30 days, some have 31 days, but how many have 28?

They all do!

Which is correct - 8 and 8 IS fifteen or 8 and 8 ARE fifteen?

Neither, 8 and 8 is SIXTEEN

A 10 foot rope ladder hangs over the side of a boat with bottom rung at the surface of the water. There is one foot between rungs and the tide goes up at 6 inches per hour. How long before three rungs are covered?

The ladder goes up with the boat, so no rungs will be covered

Mr. and Mrs. Smith have six daughters and each daughter has one brother. How many people in the family?

9. The two parents, 6 daughters and one brother.

Two planes leave Chicago and New York at the same time. Assume a 1000 mile distance. The East bound plane travels at 240 miles per hour but due to headwinds, the West bound plane can only make 140 miles per hour. When they meet, which one is closer to Chicago?

Neither will be nearer. They will be the same distance from Chicago

Take 2 apples from 3 apples and what have you got?

2 apples. You've just taken them!

How many of each animal did Moses take on the Ark?

None. Noah took them onto the Ark

Amoebas reproduce by splitting in two. An amoega which does so is placed in a jar at exactly 10 o'clock in the morning. At 12 noon, the jar is full. At what time is the jar half full?


There is a clerk in a butchers shop who is 6'5" tall, wears size 15 shoes, and really loves to eat steak. What does he weigh?


A farmer has 17 sheep but all but nine died. How many did he have left?


A plane is flying from Canada to America and it crashes on the border. On which side would they bury the survivors?

You don't bury surivors

In California, you can't take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Why not?

Because you take pictures with a camera, not a wooden leg

If you only had 1 match and were in a dark room with a candle, a woodstove and a gas lamp, which would you light first?

The match!

Which is correct?

A: The Second Millennium began Jan 1, 2000

B: The Second Millennium will begin Jan 1, 2001

The Second Millennium began Jan 1, 1000 AD

How far can a dog run into the woods?

Half way. Then the dog is running out of the woods.

How many bricks does it take to complete a 50ft x 50ft wall?

The last one

The capital of Turkey is a long word. Can you spell it?


An electric train is travelling at 100kph. The wind is blowing in an easterly direction at 25kph. Which way is the smoke from the train blowing?

Electric trains do not give off smoke

A man builds a house with all 4 walls facing south. A bear walks past the window. What colour is it?

White. He built his house at the north pole

Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth.

Everest. Just because it hadn't been discovered, doesn't mean it wasn't there

Clara Clatter was born on December 27th, yet her birthday is always in the summer. How come?

She was born in Australia

If a rooster laid a brown egg and a white egg, what kind of chicks would hatch?

Roosters don't lay eggs

Two men play 5 games of chess. Each win the same number of games and their are no ties. How is this possible?

They were playing against different people

If a farmer has 5 haystacks in one fields and 4 haystacks in the other fields, how many haystacks would he have if he combined them all the the centre field?


How is it that a person born in Massachusetts, whose parents were both born in Massachusetts, is not a U.S. citizen?

The family lived there while it was a British Colony.

How many times can you subtract 5 from 25?

Once, after that it isn't 25 any more.

In a criminal trial, what is the realtionship of the defendant to the trial judge, if the defendants brother-in-law's only sister's husband is the father of the son of the judge?

The defendant is the husband of the female judge.

Which weighs more, a pound of pennies or a pound of pound coins?

They both weigh the same, a pound

How long did the Hundred Years War last?

116 years

Which country makes Panama hats?


From which animal do we get catgut?

Horses or sheep

What is a camel's hair brush made of?

A squirrels brush

What was King George VI's first name?


Where are Chinese goosberries from?

New Zealand

Hope they weren't too testing. Stay tuned for more questions as and when I get them.

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