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"Angels may not dress the part, with robes and wings that soar.
Often angels come as friends, knocking at your door."


The purpose of the "Circle Of Honor" is to recogize, honor, pay tribute to someone in my life. I personally do not know any Presidents, movie stars, or Nobel Prize winners, but I do know some very special people, who distinguish themselves in ways that have not brought them notoriety but are positive influences in the lives of others. There are angels in my life who I wish to share with the world through this section of my site. No one is perfect; we all have our faults. But, everyone has some qualities that makes them special. I feel we would all benefit from recognizing and bringing attention to the positive aspects of an individual. The Circle Of Honor is my small way of doing this - and a halo will be presented to all honorees.

Be an angel - find the positive in someone in your life - tell them you recognize and appreciate them.

My Daily Wish

My daily wish is that we may
See good in those who pass our way;
Find in each a worthy trait
That we should gladly cultivate.

See in each one passing by
The better things that beautify;
A softly spoken word of cheer
A kindly face, a smile sincere.

I pray each day that we may view
The things that warm one's heart anew;
The kindly deeds that can't be bought
That only from the good are wrought.

A burden lightened here and there
A brother lifted from despair;
The aged ones freed from distress
The lame, the sick, brought happiness.

Grant that before each sun has set
We'll witness deeds we can't forget;
A soothing hand to one in pain
A sacrifice for love - not gain.

A word to ease the troubled mind
Of one whom fate has dealt unkind;
So, Friend, my wish is that we may
See good in all who pass our way.

Phil Perkins

A Special Angel In My Life
(My mother-in-law, who gave birth to my life partner, my best friend
and the greatest husband in the world)

As of March, 2001, Mom Dee is 84 years old and is still very independent, although she lives with one of her daughters. She still drives her own car to do some shopping, visits family and friends, and attends church every Sunday. During the summer of 2000, she visited relatives in Texas and traveled by bus and plane. She visited over five cities and several relatives and old friends.  She was accompanied by her sister-in-law, who is also a senior citizen.  She is a very strong lady for her age so she was able to handle the month-long traveling with ease.

Mom Dee should be honored as the mother of twelve children - most of whom married and had children of their own - so she is surrounded by many family members in Colorado.  She raised her family while having to travel alot,  as her husband ministered in many cities throughout the midwest.  I am sure there were many difficulties and challenges that she endured to raise her family in this environment. 

In her 84 years, she has seen some of our first vehicles,  phones,  and coal-burning stoves to the current electrical appliances,  cellular phones, television, space travel to the moon, and her picture being shared with countless people on the world wide web.

There are other accomplishments that make her special; however, I am honoring her as a mother (one of the most difficult jobs in the world  with the potential of being one of the most rewarding).  Mom Dee has no motherhood trophies on her mantle but she has love from many people in her life and the fruit of her lifetime -  her sons and daughters, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren - who are honorable citizens in many communities of the United States of America.


The tune you are hearing is "Thank Heaven For Little Girls"

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