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Public Education: What I See

I see . . .

A child with individual needs, talents, and dreams to be discovered, validated, and nurtured by caring parents, school staff, and community.

I see . . .

A school staff that has the needs of each child in his/her care placed before their own.

I see . . .

Teachers who will continue to discover how an individual child learns and do all they can to instill in each the desire to always seek knowledge and wisdom beyond formal education.

I see . . .

The goal of education as a never ending process of discovery and change whereby every child can look to the past and see progress, look to the present and see commitment, and look to the future and see hope.

I see . . .

Parents involved in their child's learning whereby both learn and grow from each other, and mother and father unite with school staff to see this occur.

I see . . .

A school set on a hill as an example to all of what can be accomplished when everyone knows their potential and collaboratively commits to achieve it.

I see . . .

Negatives replaced with positives, stereotypes replaced with truth, anger replaced with understanding, frustration replaced with opportunities, despair replaced with hope, and hatred replaced with love.

I see . . .

Endless possibilities where correctly "filling of the vessel" is superceded only by positively "igniting the fire within us all."

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