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The Maid
"); writeln ("

She came in " + form.input1.value + " times a month. My roommate always " + form.input2.value + " before she came though, she did not want to be around while the maid was there, she always stared at her " + form.input3.value + ". She figured the maid would think we were " + form.input4.value + ". The maid must have thought we were " + form.input5.value + " because we always kept "); writeln ("" + form.input6.value + " in the " + form.input7.value + ". On any given day you could find " + form.input8.value + " spilled all over the " + form.input9.value + ". "); writeln (" She " + form.input10.value + " coming to our place. I once heard her on the phone saying we were the " + form.input11.value + " people she knew. Oh well, at least she knew how to make a great " + form.input12.value + "."); writeln ("
"); // needs a
to display last line, bug in JS } } } // -->
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