Home School High predicaments

15. Chicks aren't too impressed by a varsity letter in "Chores."

14. Pajamas you ain't been out of all semester are the source of   fungi specimens for your biology lesson.

13 "Once again, today's lesson will be given by Regis and Kathie   Lee..."

12. You're sick to death of this fall's only course: "History of   Your Father's Drinking and Womanizing."

11. "Good, Billy... now if you shoot two *more* abortion doctors,   how many are left then?"

10. Takes about nine pumps to get a decent flow going on the   Ritalin keg.

  9. You can't understand why you get Mrs. Culpepper every year.   Your last name? Culpepper.

  8. No matter how interesting you make the curriculum, Junior   always wants to go down the block to Ms. LeTourneau's home   school.

  7. Five bucks for a PB&J seems high, but Dad has to make a profit   somewhere.

  6. Mom calls them "Environmental Studies field trips," but it   seems suspiciously like taking out the garbage.

  5. Sex education with Mom consists of nothing but gardening   metaphors.

  4. Sure, you're the valedictorian and the star of the basketball   team, but your prom date choices are limited to your mom and   the UPS guy.

  3. Despite the cheerleader outfit, Mom's pep rallies suck.

  2. Prom Committee deadlock among Teletubbies, Barbie Dreamhouse,   and WWF Extreme Smack-Down themes now entering third month.

  1. Ever since Dad left, Mom always tries to nail you in the   groin at dodgeball.
