Welcome to...

Quote of the update:
"The Internet was invented as a highly dependable, high-speed, distributed, secure and powerful network so that in the event of a nuclear crisis, military officials would always have access to pornography."

So... anyone alive out there?
Due to space limitations and this site being decrepit in general, I nuked the art gallery. I didn't want to just screw off and delete the whole site because, well, this is a funny, inane little part of my history (if not internet history), and I don't believe in trashing old fan websites just because. Anyone who still wants to contact me, check out my art, or what-have-you can visit the links in the Meet the Crew page. I appreciate visits!
I really want to thank my friends and everyone who contributed to this website over the years. I wish everyone the best of luck in the future!
So yes, this doghouse is dead. But I'll be leaving the site here for nostalgia and lols, if nothing else.
Speaking of, I did wrap things up with some new quotes...

BIG ART UPDATE. Twenty drawings from me, things dated from 2002 to two days ago. One of these is a new drawing of Myshu under her crew section.
Thanks to Yoster for contributing a Jack Nicholson quote for this update.
One new link: FicWad, and on the crew page there's some extra "contact me" info.

Doghouse's Rooms (Yeah, right, like doghouses have rooms):

The Art Gallery
Quotes... Famous or Not
The Library
Updates Archive
Meet the Crew

This site is rated... Adopt yerself a censorship panda!

This page is best viewed with most versions of Netscape, a screen resolution of 640x480 pixels or higher, and a computer, because... I'm too lazy to see if it looks good any other way. Come to think of it, this place would probably look the same under any circumstance. With the "high standard quality" HTML I'm using around here, you could probably achieve the same viewing effect by looking through the reflection of a toaster.

Yoshi, StarFox, Zelda, Pokémon, and other related indica are copyright © Nintendo of America, Inc. All other contents are property of their respective owners, and are not to be used without permission. This doghouse is in no way affiliated with Nintendo.