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Doll Show 101



So, you've looked around your house and you can't find the top of ANY table in the house? Not only are the closets full (probably of empty doll boxes for some unknown reason), the spaces under the beds don't even have room for one "fuzz-kitten" to hide, and your have more display cabinets than chairs, not only in the dining room...but in EVERY ROOM!! Unfinished doll projects EVERYWHERE!! What's a girl (or guy) to do!!

WELL, you've gone to lots of doll shows; seen the same people show after show behind those tables and you know that you, for one, have sure given them lots of your hard earned bucks over the years. If they can do it, you sure as heck can! After all, how hard can it be? Maybe this is how you can "get rid" of some of your extras! Get rid of some of the overflow! The bad buys! The losers!! Dump it now!! (But be sure to tell everyone that you are "upgrading"! (Very important word...replaces "DUMP" in the doll vernacular).

Turn it into cash so you can buy something you REALLY want!! Besides, if they can do it, so can you...should be a snap! Looks easy.....No problemo, you just have to back up the car to the door, set the stuff on the table, collect the money and go home and count it. EASY....think you want to give it a try?? HERE'S THE INSIDE SCOOP!!

First, which show are you going to do? A really BIG general antique show that draws many thousands of customers! YES !! The parking lot is always full for that one!!....

(Oh, the smallest space they rent is a booth at $150 (9 x 10...can't get many customers in there!!) and a booth has to have tables... so a 9 x 10 booth would probably need at least 3 tables at $10 each. (No chairs furnished...add $3.00 for a chair). It's on concrete so you need carpeting for your feet (or just for ambiance), add another $25. You would be new so you'd get the least desirable space...a dark space probably. Add $25 for electricity! The promoter rents the Coliseum and has lots of expenses so they need their money 30 days BEFORE the show!!!

WHAT THE! That's $230 !! UP FRONT!! You were only wanting to "pare down your collection"!!   Do they know how much stuff you have to sell to just PAY for your RENT EXPENSES !!

AND, Is the car really big enough to carry your risers, suitcases, and those neat see through packing crates? Maybe a van would be better....the insurance shouldn't be too much more, and you already have a car payment so if you traded that in maybe the van payment wouldn't run too much more....and red is really more your color anyway..... AND you'd need to stay overnight for three nights unless you have friends or relatives who owe you a favor!

A show that big has drop off on Thursday, to relieve parking congestion, then early admission customers come in on Friday while you are setting up, then the actual show runs Saturday and Sunday... There is always the challenge of the "tire kickers" who want to talk about what dolls their Grandma had (sometimes it's idle conversation, sometimes they are fishing for a free appraisal).....or some who just stand and visit with an old acquaintance .......who just happens to be stopped in FRONT OF YOUR BOOTH at the SAME time......and they talk..and talk...and talk...and talk... JUST HOW YOUR CUSTOMERS SUPPOSED TO GET INTO YOUR BOOTH. Excuse me please!!

Then you have pack up for 2 hours and drive back home and go to work the next day!!!

  What? Oh, there is a 3 year wait to get into that "to die for" show??  WHEW! Can't do THAT one!! Look around to see what else is out there.

Well, how about an actual DOLL SHOW, then, one with a good following. Lots of advertising! One with knowledgeable buyers and no "tire kickers"... How about the one YOU Love, the one that happens 3 times a year!! You KNOW there are lots of buyers that go to that one....they do lots of advertising...that's the place for you!!!   You'd probably sell out!! Make a killing! Show your family and friends that your collection is a real money maker! Wipe that smile off of their face, that's for sure!! And you'd have more money to buy more dolls!! Good idea, let's do THAT one!!! Get in on the action!! AND it's only 50 miles away. Wouldn't need a hotel for this one! (Unless you don't like to drive home in the rain after dark for the winter show).

OK, Contact that promoter. What the?? The cost there is still $180 for a booth (includes tables this time!) or it's $100 each individual table if you just set up at an 8' x 2 1/2' table. Do you want electricity? It's only $20 more. And remember all that advertising he does, and he rents a building at the fairgrounds...has all those helpers at the ticket window and at the gate....he needs his money a month in advance of the show too.   But wait..... there is a 3 year waiting list for that show too! Oh boy. Then, how about a little local show?   The tables there are only $30 and it's only 50 miles away. You wouldn't have to pay for a motel. You could drive it. It's only a one day show. Shouldn't be too bad...and they have lots of spaces available! That's the one!!

I'll let you worry about digging through all your stuff and washing, ironing, sorting, packing, loading, lifting and carrying. That shouldn't take too long, should it. hehehe This one day show starts at 9:00 AM and you live 50 miles away...that's about an hour's drive....and you should probably allow at least 2 hours to unload your car, (you did bring a dollie to wheel it in didn't you...add $19.95 at Home Depot if you didn't have one), carry it in and arrange your display on your table. Hmmmm, that means you better get up at 5:00 AM, be out the door by 6:00 an hour to get there by 7:00 AM.   (When you arrive you'll inveritably find that some early sellers have already arrived, unloaded and left their empty car nearest the door, so you'll need that dolly!!)

This little show usually has an urn of coffee and a tray of donuts available during setup. BTW, the people that got there ahead of you have already gathered up at least 3 donuts, wrapped it in their napkins, and taken it to their table for snacking during the day, and there is only a half of one, and some extraneous crumbs, left for you when you are finished with your table setup! Have a nice breakfast. Good thing this table was only $30.00!!! You sat up for 2 hours and it's almost time to open and there are only 15 people waiting at the door!! AND, on your way to the show you didn't see any signs advertising the show either. Come to think of it...there wasn't anything in the paper either!!!

Well, it's now noon and the "rush" is over. Now what?   By 3:00 o'clock the only people at the show are the other dealers wandering among each other's tables. But since you haven't sold anything, DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY TO SPEND!!!  Wahhhhh!

This could be the longest day you've ever spent ! How did they expect to sell any dolls if they didn't do much to advertise!!! You seem to be bringing home tonight as much as you left with this morning! You could make more money running around to garage sales and buying stuff to sell on Ebay...while sitting around talking, or lurking, on the doll page...What A Way To Make A Living!!! NOT!!

Attending a doll show is another thing....might find a treasure like one of these sweeties there....Happy dolling!