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Doll Chat

Spring is in the air and summer is imminent.... take a break and enjoy some new information about your favorite dolls. Come on in, sit right down and enjoy - you are always welcome!!!!!!

But first -- the important stuff! The purpose of this website is to share Doll Studies generated from the eBay auction site Doll Chat Board. eBay is a registered trademark of eBay Inc.

The information contained on these webpages are the collective wisdom of several contributors provided to you as a convenience, but it is not to be construed as legal advice. No liability is assumed for any effect of the application or the misapplication of the information contained herein. Rather this information is set forth for information and enlightenment of fellow doll lovers. Education is our goal and references are used and noted so you may seek further information directly from them.

To join Doll Lovers of all kinds on the eBay Doll Chat Board is easy. Just access, register (it's free) and go to the News & Chat Area. When there, use the click down screen for the Specialty Boards to glide down to Dolls and click -- you're in and will be most welcome!!

Current Studies Available

Question & Answer Sessions

Other Doll Tidbits; Including Convention News!