Page Two

Next Millie was off to Pennsylvania to visit Rita -- no one expected V to send her anywhere else but to her bestest Net pal!

Millie is surrounded by Valentine bows..but she's wondering where's the chocolates -- think her hostess ate them!hehe

Millie meets Kathlene..."Gee..she is smaller than me!"

WOW has it been great fun staying with Colleen! Check out the pictures of my stay.

Here I am with some of Colleen's favorite friends.

Colleen let me go outside & look what I found -- a field (well to me) of pansies!

Colleen took me to an auction while I was there & she told me not to scratch my nose or they might take it as a bid! tee hee

Here I am with Princess Anna. Isn't she a beauty??

Here I am at Auntie Andy's house with Ann Estelle! She hiked up her fairy costume and climbed into this Easter basket, so I had to try it, too--of course!! It's a BIG basket, and we CAN'T WAIT to see what the Easter Bunny brings us!

YEA!! The Easter Bunny brought Ann Estelle and me soooo many chocolates that we just had to give him a BIG hug! I got a pattern for new dresses, too! I just love pretty clothes!!

Auntie Andy has LOTS of dolly friends for me to play with here, but most of them are MUCH bigger than I am! I feel like a shrimp!

I just had to take one last wagon ride before I leave for Auntie Colleen's house, so I asked Nanette if she would pull me around. Boy, do I love these wagon rides!

My latest escapes can be found on my very own:



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