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Doll Chat's Human Side

Since the inception of the Doll Chat Board at eBay those who post there regularly have had alot of fun, gained friends and shared doll information -- all in the name of loving doll collecting. Just for fun, I've developed this page to show you some of the more human posts captured off the Doll Chat Board -- enjoy!!

I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm   not dumb ... and I also know that I'm not blonde.   -Dolly Parton-

Posted by docgipe (6)   on 04/16/99 at 19:45:43 PDTAuctions CHOCOLATE CAKE (Recipe by Mrs. George (Getrude)Temple, a cake which Shirley temple is especially fond.)
1 1/2 cups of granulated sugar, 1/2 cup butter; cream with sugar, 2 squares chocolate disolved in: 5 tablespoons boiling water, 1 teaspoon vanilla (add last). Three eggs beaten separately, 1/2 cup milk, 1 3/4 cups cake flour, 1 teaspoon (heaping) baking powder.
Filling: 2 cups powdered sugar, 1 yolk of egg (not absolutely necessary), 2 squares chocolate melted in, 5 tablespoons boiling water, 1 teaspoon vanilla, butter size of an egg.
Bake cake in moderate oven 350 degrees in well greased layer tins. When layers are cool spread on the above filling.
Statement: Many have baked this cake and raved of its quality.
Questions? Don`t E me; see a baker in your neighborhood. The formula works if you whop it up right. --end of post

I saw this post and when I noticed he had made no mention of how long to bake the cake I queried the Doc and this was his rather interesting reply:

"Grandma baked'em untill they were done. The recipe came from an early thirty's book. I looked and the recipe has no specific time. Perhaps that is when one must bake until golden brown and the toothpick comes out dry. What can I say about what Mrs. Temple did not say? Sorry. Let me know how you like it.
Grandma Bellman of the famous doll and toy show promotion family has made hundreds of that cake to sell in the family concession at their Doll Shows. I gave her the recipe ten years ago. It just popped up again so I thought some chatters would enjoy. BAKE UNTIL NICELY DONE.....sounds good to me. Go for it!
Remember in thirties and early fourties the stoves were not even heated enough to give specific lengths of time. My mother got her first electric stove in the middle fourties. Up to that point it was a tin box oven that sat on the wood stove or later, a Kero burner. That made the cake taste oily. In 1941 Dad got his first truck for working and put electricity in so he could do books after dark without the oil lamp stinking up the place. WE WERE COUNTRY for sure."

You see a lot of smart guys with dumb women, but you hardly ever see a smart woman with a dumb guy. -Erica Jong-

One day we even adopted our theme song and Charmar was nice enough to record it for us!

Song for D.O.L.L.S.

Oh, little playmate.
Come out and play with me
And bring your dollies,three
Climb up your apple tree
Holler down your rain barrel
Slide down your cellar door
And we'll be jolly friends Forevermore

  Oh little playmate
I can not play with you
My dolly's got the flu
Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo
Ain't got no rain barrel
Ain't got no cellar door
But we'll be jolly friends Forevermore

  Oh little playmate
Come out and play with me
I'll bring my dollies, three
Climb up my apple tree
Holler down my rain barrel
Slide down my cellar door
And we'll be jolly friends Forevermore

I want to have children, but my friends scare me. One of my friends told me she was in labor for 36 hours. I don't even want to do anything that feels good for 36 hours. -Rita Rudner-

Every week a group of the chatters have a special Lurker's Party -- a party for those who read the Board but don't actually post there -- in an effort to lure some nice, friendly people down -- it works, too!
Anyway, Kaluv delighted us all with this one evening:

Posted by kaluv (286)   on 03/26/99 at 17:33:56 PST Auctions --

Holding my breath, I tiptoe in.
Doll Chat is crowded to my chagrin.
Sneak to the balcony, to LURK for a while.
Everyone's joking, I tend to smile.

They seem so friendly! Maybe I'll speak.
Oh! An offer of latte',.. and cake-what a treat!
The subject is Barbies, NOT to my liking!
Soon changes to Beanies, Poor Goody's hiking!

Now a lesson 'bout kittys, and doggies, and dolls,
Oldies and goodies, at the antique malls!
I'm learnin' so much,---it's like back in school!
And look at the friends I've made…ALL are so KEWL!

Yes, I'll be returning! That can be predicted!
Because I'll admit it-I'm thoroughly ADDICTED!!
Come now and join us, you LURKERS above!
When you're in Doll Chat, You're WELCOME and LUVD!

Lurker's Party here tonight! Please join us!

My husband and I are either going to buy a dog or have a child. We can't decide to ruin our carpet or ruin our lives.   -Rita Rudner-

Some people just come by for a "drive by post"; this one was really cute!!

Posted by way2togo (0) on 05/31/99 at 18:10:55 PDTAuctions

Symptoms: Becomes glassy eyed when dolls are mentioned. Mumbles in strange language, understood only by another afflicted person. Victims tend to gather together in groups calling themselves "Clubs". Hangs out in strange places- frequents antique stores, flea markets and doll shops. Feverishly checks latest books and price guides. NOTE: becomes violent when thwarted from doing any of the above.
RECOMMENDED TREATMENT: Give money in large doses, allow full freedom to attend clandestine gatherings of other victims. DO NOT believe anything the patient says!! :P

I've been on so many blind dates, I should get a free dog. -Wendy Liebman-

Goody is soooo funny sometimes! And no one is safe when she's around; one night she picked on Doc:

Posted by goodfynder (271)   on 03/26/99 at 17:54:49 PST Auctions Doc: I only have "eyes" for you! LOL

  But even I, your webmaster, wasn't safe!!:

Posted by goodfynder (352)   on 05/31/99 at 17:03:01 PDTAuctions
V: Uh, I forgot to tell you, I found your "President's Statue of Appreciation" today at the swap meet!! LOL

Posted by veorika (147)   on 05/31/99 at 17:06:03 PDTAuctions
Goody!!! ROFL You REALLY shouldn't have!!! V

Posted by goodfynder (352)   on 05/31/99 at 17:10:18 PDTAuctions
V: But, I spared every expense!! Glad you understand my sense of humor......and now you've got CarpetSis too! Oh no, we come in pairs! LOL

But sometimes pictures are just funnier than words; here's a picture she shared with us from an actual eBay auction:

And if we're REALLY rowdy we might even get mooned!!hehe

Never lend your car to anyone to whom you have given birth. -Erma Bombeck-

This cracks me up every time I read it!! Hum....wonder what I can borrow from dollie...going out today!!hehe

Posted by janlee48:
As I was making a list of new products I need to purchase today I realized the my dolly beauty products fill a much larger space than my own "beauty products" Wouldn't this be nice:

1. In the morning, I'll use some Turtlewax on my face to fill in those annoying little cracks, especially around the eye area (laugh crazing). It will clean and give me a nice healthy glow for the day.
2. For those age spots on my arms, a thin layer of Removzit, shouldn't take too long, they aren't too bad yet!
3. Frizzy hair? Forget Vidal Sasson, I'll use No More Tangles or Armor All. And my husband loves the smell of a new car so I'm still on track here.
4. Forget the exercise routine, not more joint pain or loose muscles - I'll just get restrung! (Okay, I know I left myself wide open on that one, might need a few areas of my brain restrung also!
5. No time for a shower? No problem, just spray myself with Fabreeze. Just a thought...

I'm not going to vacuum 'til Sears makes one you can ride on. -Roseanne Barr-

Soooooo....whether you're new to eBay or an old pro, the Doll Chat Board is open to all members of this community -- come on down from the balcony and join us! Who knows -- you may find yourself on here someday! :) V

Work like you don't need the money...Love like you've never been hurt...and dance like no one's watching! :)