~~ My Special List ~~ I have a list of folks I know...
all written in a book,
And every now and then..
I go and take a look.
That is when I realize
these names... they are a part,
not of the book they're written in...
but taken from the heart.
For each Name stands for someone...
who has crossed my path sometime,
and in that meeting they have become...
the reason and the rhyme.
Although it sounds fantastic...
for me to make this claim,
I really am composed...
of each remembered name.
Although you're not aware...
of any special link,
just knowing you, has shaped my life...
more than you could think.
So please don't think my greeting...
as just a mere routine,
your name was not...
forgotten in between.
For when I send a greeting...
that is addressed to you,
it is because you're on the list...
of folks I'm indebted to.
So whether I have known you...
for many days or few,
in some ways you have a part...
in shaping things I do.
I am but, a total...
of many folks I've met,
you are a friend I would prefer...
never to forget.Thank you for being my friend!
author ~ known only to God
A Spiritual Being,
Having a Human Experience
Author: Ed Anthony © 1983, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2006
Author's notes:other writings published:
Tomorrow is Never Promised,
... and version also titled
Tomorrow is Not Promised
another Version had tomorrow....
poetically written as Tommorrow
edited and revised
(1999 -2000 Edition) Int'l Assoc of Poetry)
and My Special List 1999
The Sculptured Venus 1999
author ~ known only to God
A Spiritual Being,
Having a Human Experience
Author: Ed Anthony © 1983, 1998, 2003, 2006
(1999 -2000 Edition) Int'l Assoc of Poetry)
The above quotations and writings
on the World Wide Web
Since 1998 and 1999 on various websites
Use permissions granted, with exception: the content(s)
of writings ought not be changed or modified,
And ought not be on any adults only styled websites.
Thank You for Being My Friend
~ * ~
We are each of us Angels with only one wing
and can only fly embracing each other.
Luciano de Crescenzo