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GOF Secret Angel

The Garden of Friendship has sent an Angel to watch over me and spoil me for a week
(March 9 - 16, 2002) I have no idea who this person is...
All I can tell you is, she goes by the name "Floating Angel". :)
It sure has been fun receiving all the little gifts, emails and greeting cards.

Below you will find the gifts I have received.

March 14, 2002

Another poem and a gift.


An angel on my shoulder,
Smiled up at me today.
I needed a friend, and the angel said,
He would never go away
At times in my life I have felt so alone,
I could not keep my tears from falling.
But now I know I am guided by love,
When I hear my angel calling.
In all of those moments,
When I felt pain and sorrow.
And I thought no one could hear.
My angel gave me courage and strength.
He was not gone, he was near.
Yes, we all have times in our lives,
When holding on is so hard to do.
But you are never alone, with an angel by your side,
He is there to see you through.
So, when your world keeps on turning,
And many things do not seem to make sense.
Just remember, your angel is there by your side,
Close your eyes and feel his presence.

~ Author Unknown ~



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