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I don't know if you still think of me the way you once did. 
I don't know if you think of me at all.

My thoughts of you have not changed.
I still think of you all through the day.
I still log on during the day and night just to see if you are there.

Hoping, wanting, you to be there.
Hoping you are looking for me,
Wanting to talk to me, the way it used to be.

So much has changed.
I see you online,
Very few words are exchanged.

I have so many things I want to say,
In a way, I feel betrayed.

I check my email,
I hope and I pray,
But my email is empty day after day.

You mean so much to me
Can't you see?

I have given so much to you.
And now, everything seems so blue.

We are so distant,
everything changed in an instant.

Where do we go?
Is there room for us to grow?

I feel so sad,
Yes, even sometimes mad.

I hold the memories close to my heart,
Wondering why we have to be apart.

~ Annette ~