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Angels - Poetry on each page with a lot of Angel graphics. (several poems written by Fantasy 2000's Laura Walters) 

Faeries - Adopted Faeries, Poetry, Snowglobes

Wolves - Poetry and Quotes, Wonderful graphics, Save the Wolf Campaign

Dragons - Poetry by Laura Walters and Misty Bell, a lot of graphics

Unicorns - Poetry by Laura Walters on each page. 

Elves Cute page with a poem by Laura Walters.

Mermaids - A lot of graphics, Poetry written by Laura Walters. 

Wizards - Poetry written by Laura Walters. Lots of graphics. 

Goddess - Poetry by Laura Walters.

Web Rings - Rings that Fantasy 2000 has joined.

Angels of the Storm - Dedication Page

Serenity - Dedication Page

Golden Spirit and Inspirations - Dedication Page

Awards - Awards presented to Fantasy 2000

Writings - A collection of different poems and stories.

Quotes - Favorite quotes by different people.

Creators of Fantasy 2000 - Personal pages about Annette and Laura.

Web Graphics and Sets - Web sets designed by Fantasy 2000's  Annette Perryman.

Who Am I? Riddle - Can you figure out who I am? 

Treasures - Treasures Fantasy 2000 found while surfing other websites.

Gifts - Gifts Fantasy 2000 received from others.

A Gift for You - A Thank you gift to you for visiting our site.

Contact - Email Fantasy 2000.... we enjoy getting email from our visitors!