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Image Arithmetic with Kaleidoscope Frame

The photos seen on this page are photos of the Oklahoma City Memorial.

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This tutorial is my own creation and was placed online Jan. 10, 2003. Any similarities to another tutorial is purely coincidental. DO NOT Remvove this tutorial and place it on another webpage or send it through email. If you would like to link to the tutorial you may do so, using a text link only. If you have a PSP group and would like to use the tutorial for your group, please email me.

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Image Arithmetic combines two images together and creates a third image.

This tutorial assumes you have basic working knowledge with PSP.

Supplies you will need:
PSP 7 - You can download a trial version HERE

Simple Filters - Download HERE Unzip to your Plugins folder
(We will be using the Diamond filter)

2 images you would like to combine
Gold Fill - Download HERE. Unzip to your PSP Patterns folder

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

Ok, now that you have everything you need, let's get started! Remember to SAVE OFTEN!


1. Open two images you want to combine.

2. Shift +D to make a copy of the original images. Close the originals.

3. Go to Image > Arithmetic. Use the following settings:

Click Ok. Minimize the copies of your first two images.
SAVE the new combined image.

4. Set your background color to White.

5. Go to Image > Add Border. 5 pixels Symmetric checked.

Click OK.

6. Using the Magic Wand. Tolerance set to Zero Sample Merge UNchecked. Select the white border.

7. Go to Effects > Texture Effects > Sculpture. Select the gold pattern use the following settings:

Click OK. Keep Selected.

8. Go to Selections > Invert

9. Go to Effects > 3d Effects > Cutout. Use the following settings:

Keep selected and repeat the cutout effect, only this time change the vertical & horizontal to -5.
Selections > Select None

10. Set your background color to Black. Go to Image > Add Border. 25 pixels Symmetric checked.

Click OK.

11.Using the Magic Wand, Select the black border.

12. Set your foreground color to Pattern. Pick one of the images you minimized earlier.

Scale 50 -  Angle 0 (depending on your image, you may need to adjust the Scale)

13. Select your Flood Fill tool and fill the selected black border with your pattern. Keep Selected.

14. Go to Effects > Reflection Effects > Kaleidoscope. Use the following settings:

Click OK. Keep Selected.

15. Go to Effects > Plugin Filters > Simple > Diamonds. Keep Selected.

16. Go to Effects > 3d Effects > Inner Bevel. Use the following settings.

Selections > Select None. SAVE YOUR IMAGE!

17. Repeat steps 5 - 7.

18. Selections > Select None.

You're done! SAVE your work!

Remember, the key to creativity is your imagination! Play with different settings and images to achieve different results.

Here are two others that I did using different images.

The image above is a combination of two Oklahoma City Memorial photos.

This image is a combination of one photo from the Oklahoma City Memorial and a fire photo taken in the Bitterroot National Forest in Montana on August 6, 2000 by John McColgan, a fire behavior analyst from Fairbanks, Alaska.