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How many times have you developed a roll of film or taken a picture using a digital camera only to find the flash didn't work on some of the pictures? Your pictures are dark and seem worthless? Wouldn't be nice if you could lighten those photos using PSP? Well, you can!! And it is a pretty easy task. Just a few short steps and you should have a nicely lightened picture. 

Open up your PSP and let's get started!

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Open the image you want to lighten.
( This is my daughter.... isn't she pretty?)

Original Photo

Shift + D to duplicate. Close the original.

Open your layer palette.
Duplicate the Background Layer by right clicking on Background / Duplicate.

Duplicate Screenshot

Highlight the "Copy of Background" layer on the Layer Palette.

Go to Colors / Negative Image

Negative Image Screenshot

On the Layer Palette change the Blend Mode to Dodge.

Dodge Screenshot 1Dodge Screenshot 2

You should have something similar to this.

Dodged Image

Slide the Opacity slider down until you reach the desired look. When you get the image to the lightness you want, right click on the layer and Merge All. Save your new image.

Final Photo Corrected

That's it!! That's all there is to it! You did it!! Now wasn't that easy?

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