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Transparent Gif

1.Open your image in PSP

2.Select your magic wand tool

Match mode= RGB Value
Tolerance set to 0
Feather set to 0
Sample Merged unchecked.
Click on the background. Marching ants will be around the background and the image.

NOTE: Be sure you use a background color that isn't in your image.

3. Selections / Invert

4. Selections / Modify / Contract... 1 or 2 pixels (contract the number of pixels needed to move the marching ants around the image)

5. Selections / Invert

6. Colors/ Decrease to 256Colors. A box will open... Click YES. Another box will open, Select Optimized Median Cut And Nearest Color. Click OK.

7. Colors / Set Transparency. A box will open... Select the middle circle (Set the transparency value to the current background color). Click OK.

8. Colors / View Transparency. Your background should now be checkerboard.

9. Select your Magnifying glass and zoom in on your image. If you have stray pixels of color, don't worry, you can erase the stray pixels of color.

10. Colors / View Transparency. We need to look at the image against the background color.

11. Select your Dropper tool and right click on the background color of your image. Background color should be set to the color you just picked with the eye dropper. Foreground color should be set to Null.


12Select the Eraser tool. Use the following settings. 
*Note: You may need to lower the size down to 1 for very small pixels of color. If you have a large area of color, raise the size up.

Erase the stray pixels of color.

13. Save your new image as a gif.

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If you have any problems with the tutorials, send me an email and let me know what problem you are having. I'd be happy to assist you.

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