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Fog floats through the air;
Fog born of fire and ice,
        Ivory and down,
        Innocence and ferocity,
        Darkness in the light.
Through time and harsh conditions,
        They have survived
Battling the greatest enemy of earth and man;
A ghost and hero,
        Symbol of strength, power,
Yet seen to be with lowliest of creatures.
We have eyes,
Why then can we not see?
Rumors, myths,
Rule our world,
A world that does not exist.
Eyes in the midst.
You are my hero,
         My strength,
                         My Love.

Written by: Misty Bell


~ * ~ The Legend of the Dream Catcher ~ * ~
When dreams traveled the web paths, the bad dreams lost their way and were entangled, disappearing with the first rays of daybreak. The good dreams, knowing the way, passed through the center and were guided gently to the sleeping ones.

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