Feng-Shui News......you hear it....first
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July 9, 2000-Still out playing shows. We debuted our cover of Everclear's "Nervous and Weird" at our Showplace show. We were pleased with how it came out. We are still working on the new album.

May 8, 2000-We've been playing shows like a bunch of mad men. Some good, some more like the barbeque that we played in Compton. We are diligently working on our record, that should be out in the next two months. But don't quote me on that.

April 9, 2000-We played a couple of shows. One in Erie that totally sucked ass and we got a parking ticket. The coolest thing about Erie was the statue of Dan Erie that pointed us to the show. We also played in Rochester which was absolutly awesome. We met a lot of cool people and played with some cool bands. We also have actually started recording our new CD. We have about two songs now, Suffer and Stop.

March 12, 2000-We played a couple of shows. One in Fredonia that went well and one at McCoys in which we blew up the drum monitor. We started booking more shows outside of Buffalo to prepare for the recording of our cd. Things with Heinz are starting to go really well. We're working on lots of new songs and hope to play them out at our upcoming shows.

February 6, 2000-We played a mediocre show last night at the Continental. The sound really sucked and we couldn't hear ourselves which led to screw ups. But it was fun and Whitewash Wednesday and Rate of Decay were really good. We're not goth enough for the Continental. But it's a pretty cool place anyways. That's all for now.

January 15, 2000-The show last night was awesome. We sounded really good. We even had kids upfront and moshing to us. Very cool. That's about it on the news front. Come see us play on the 5th of February at the Continental. Adios

January 10, 2000-We played a show on New Years Eve with Libertine, that no one was at because of Y2K and we all had the flu. We have a new drummer his name is H. We will begin work on our full length album in the beginning of February and it will actually be out in stores at the end of May. Come check us out. We have a couple of upcoming shows. And we are still working on new songs that you might hear at the shows.

December 10 & 11-Well we played an ok show on the tenth at Showplace. Could have been better but that's ok. The 11th we played a pretty awesome set at Mr. Goodbar for their X-mas show. Not that many people but we rocked out. And now for an announcement:


We no longer have a drummer. He will play his last show on the 14th of January and then that will be it. So if you guys know of any drummers out there, tell them to contact us. Oh yeah and by the way Jason got a new guitar. I think its an Epi Les Paul Custom, gold top with sparkle finish. It's really sweet. That's all for now have a good holiday!

November 30, 1999-Ok we have been really, really lazy in updating this page but that will change(hopefully). We are playing two shows in December. One on the 10th at Showplace and the 11th at Mr. Goodbar, for more info go to Upcoming Shows. We have just been practicing and working on a rockin new song. We might start recording an EP right after the new year. That's about it for now.

October 30, 1999-Hey there Feng-Shui fans. We played an awesome show tonight at Mr. Goodbar for Mary's Lounge Halloween Show. Jason played in just a cup and his little boxer briefs, drove all the little girls crazy. Crazy thing happened just before we went on 3 busloads of drunk kids from UB came in so we had a full house to play to. And as soon as we finished they were gone. It was unbelievable. We even had our own little dancers for a while. But anyways thanx to all who came out and supported us.

September 11, 1999-We played at Club KC this past Saturday. We opened up for some band called Plastic Soul. We actually sounded really good this time. Even Eric only screwed up once.

August 30, 1999-We just played Edgefest on Sunday. Thanks for watching us if you were there. We had an awesome time and met some really cool people.

-We just released a song for Comp Magazine called "We". If you didn't pick one up at Edgefest it will be available at Borders and Media Play or you can get one (cheaper) from their website: Comp Magazine Don't forget to tell them we sent ya. There is also an interview with Jay in the magazine.

-103.3 has just received a copy of "We" so call and bother them at 644-9EDG......Pretty please with sugar on top. (also call and email to pester our label to book us more shows at: 876-2060 or Mary's Lounge Records

-Bands like us rely on support from cool people like you. If you like us please tell a friend to check us out at our shows and our website and buy our tapes. Thanx.

-If you sign our guest book we'll send you a free sticker (when we get them) and please include your address(or just email it to us or put your message as private). And as always thanks for your support.

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