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Awesome Love
A thought occurred to me one day, that was some how appallingly simple. Something some of the world may have overlooked, even ignored or despised. But, the simple thought was if we all loved one another, without reservations, ifs or buts we would have no problems. Just think, no abuse, adultery, anger, anxiety, depression, despair, disease, fear, frustration, gangs, gossip, greed, hatred ,homeless, jealousy, killing lying, nervousness, poverty, sickness, starvation, stealing, stress or wars. None of these things would exist in society and once again we would be in the “garden of eden” state. Of course, we all know what happened in the garden that afforded our lives to be subjected to the present problems. But, God went as far as to “wipe the slate clean”, by flooding the earth and the wicked of that day perished, but mother eve’s seed lived on even in “good Noah”. The curse remains with us now in the present. We are left to continue as best as we can until Jesus returns to set up the new kingdom.
But, wait!! There is something all of us can do. Jesus said “love your neighbor as yourself”. What does that mean? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you(the golden rule), basically we must all learn to treat those around us as we desire to be treated. That includes not only physically, but emotionally, relationally. Envying your friends anything than you are offending him. Gossiping about those around you, than that can cause a irrevocable harm, because it always gets back to the person, and your name is at the top of the list as who started the rumor. Jesus had Awesome Love for mankind. He came, leaving his glory in heaven and died for us wretched sinners. Putting your trust/faith in his works will save you from the Hell You (and all mankind deserve).
My beliefs are here if you want to know how to be eternally secure and on the way to heaven.

Background Courtesy of Carol's Christian Backgrounds
