Carry the Cross
by Vincent M. Cullen
Truths I don't remember
Or willfully forgot,
Scripture lines I've feared to cross
Bound by the faithless knot.
Living in my comfort zone safe within the walls,
Drowning out with selfish pride,
The selfless Savior's call.
Can you taste His tears?
Do you bear His shame?
Do you stand up boldly
As they mock His holy name?
Can you see their need or hear their cry
As they silently pass by?
Have you ever looked them in the face
And gazed their saddened eyes?
Christ called us all to follow Him,
We worship, sing, and pray
We must make time for fellowship, devotions, everyday.
We shout, "Gold, silver, precious stones!"
We expect to gain reward,
While carelessly avoiding time to preach Christ
To this world.
Can you feel the weight upon your back
The rugged cross He bore?
Or shudder from the hammer's blow
As it rings down to the core?
They pierced His wrists, His feet, His side,
The beard ripped from His face
Does the bitter drop pass o'er your lips,
The mingled wine to taste?
Sent out as His ambassadors
To preach Christ to the dead,
Proclaiming Christ, the way, truth, life
For that is what He said.
Yet sudden fear has gripped me,
It drowns me like a flood.
Should I dare speak to strangers in His name,
Or of His blood?
Can you feel the thorns
Crushed in His brow?
Or dare not make the choice?
Or stand far off as some of His
Too far to hear His voice.
He cried, "Father, please forgive them
They know not what they do."
As He watched through blood blurred vision
Did He speak of me and you?
3 days in Hell He spent for me
A man of such disgrace,
To pay the debt I owe to God
For sin He took my place.
He broke the cords of death for me,
Third day He rose again
Can shameful silence justify hidden truths
That lie within?
Oh, please saint would you proclaim His death
And lift your voice on high?
Not just living righteous lifestyles
Waiting, hoping they'll ask why.
You've been called to beg them on behalf of Christ,
"Be reconciled to God!"
Stand valiant, fearless,
Tread the path, our selfless Savior trod.
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