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Questions about friends


>Favorite food: candy,
>Favorite place: germany, Miami, here...
>If you were stuck on an island and could have 3
things what would they be:
>a friend, pillow and decke,...I cant think of
anything! oh yeah, and a
>Do you ever want to go skydiving: Maybe, but not
right now. Ich habe
>Do you ever want to go bungy jumping: no! (maybe!)
>Do you ever want to go skuba diving: yes, i did it
once, its amazing!
>If you have ever gone skiing did you like it: i did
it years ago, and yes,
>it was fun!
>What do you want to do when you grow up: to do or to
be? Well,... I want to
>do all kinds of stuff :o)
>Do you have aol: no, but AOLinstant messenger
>Do you think there is a god:there must be some sort of god
(but i dont believe in "this" god)
>Do you have pets and if yes then what:2 cats and a dog
>What is your favorite color: blue and white
>If you could have 2 wishes what would they be:
1.I want to have another
>wish 2.No school
>Where were you born: Berlin, Germany
>Have you ever moved: 3 times
>What kind of music do you like: all kinds of stuff.
>What is your favorite song: i have many, but i
like "the world is not
>Have you ever been on tv: no
>How many tv's do you have: 2
>How many phones do you have: 3
>Do you sleep on your back or stomache: both
>What was your fave childhood tv show: dont rememebr
>What is your favorite soda: coke
>How would you prefer to die: In my sleep
>What is your fave store: claires, gap, old navy,
>What is you fave subject in school: art, sports...
>What do you do in your free time: sitting around,