Anyway I am a quasi-artist, (the sweet-n-low of artists), and i am a Anthropology major at the Univeristy of Texas who aspires to one day be in the FBI. Anyway i am interested in theories and things like that and i will post them from time to time. I am working on putting up my comic strip that is based on my life which is so odd that it has to be drawn.
My newest addition to my family is a small kitten called DeathScythe he is small and vicious and has just learned to run in a straight line, i love him dearly.

this is me, well an artist's rendition
Sign Your Soul Away
See Others Who Have Lost Their Souls
My Stuff
Photo Album
Theories and other writings
Led Zeppelin Page
Jamiroquai Page
Pink Floyd Page
Anime Stuff
Void of Nonsense (my comic)
El Bosque rules the Anime world!
The Goddess of Random Thoughts and Fire aka SHANNA'S SITE