My RANTS- the rapper Puff Daddy, and Tipper Gore are both evil people. Tipper Gore is evil for her obcession with censorship, the only reason we have those awful labels on music is because she bought a Prince album for her daughter. The soundtrack for a rated R movie, Purple Rain, I mean come on! Its Prince singing for an R movie, and lets face it folks Prince isn't the most tame of singers. So why was Tipper surprised at the content of this album??????? The world may never know...... But because of her we have those little stickers on albums that look so tacky, and do nothing to prevent anything. So for this reason she has been labeled EVIL.
Puff Daddy another evil person, one of the most evil people ever, actually. His most evil crime was the distortion of one of the most splendid songs from Led Zeppelin, into a rap song. Now todays pop culture sponges believe that the rap song is the original!!!!! What a sad era we live in when this happens :( And thats not all folks, (is there no end to the evil?) Puff Daddy "featured" Jimmy Page ( why? Jimmy why? ), my belief is that he offered Jimmy so much of his money ( most likely drug money ) that Jimmy couldn't refuse. Which in a way is like selling your soul.
A new evil has been discovered. Recently I went home to visit my family, and while there I discovered that my youngest sibling has begun to listen to country music ( I tried, I really did, but the dark side was too strong ) As if to make matters worse, her favorite song is called "She thinks my tractor's sexy." What kind of lyrics are those? I thought MMMBop was streching it, and we wont even go into any Backstreet Boys lyrics( also known as N'SYNC when they change their hair, but thats further down ). I mean what girl, in her right mind (<- I stress RIGHT mind), would find a TRACTOR sexy????? Do women like this even exist? I hope not. It is a possibility that some where, in some tiny little backwoods town, where Wal-Mart is like Disneyland, there exists this inbred girl who finds farm equipment. . .sexy. ( Due to good taste I will not say what her brother finds attractive on the farm ) Why this song is even played on the radio, we may never know, but I feel it is a sure sign of the end of the world.
Boy Bands have made a come back, much to my displeasure. I feel as if i am re-living the New Kids On The Block craze. ( I think they saved DNA from the Monkees and used it to create every later band )Backstreet Boys are a fad I can live with out. Please explain to me the Clark Kent effect created by a change of hair cut. A dye job here, some pony beads there, and you've got a whole new band (N'SYNC). You don't even have to change the music, or even the lyrics. Just slap a new name on a CD and BINGO, instant band. And the fact that their fans INSIST that there is a difference is just pathetic. The even scarier fact is that its not just Teeneyboppers buying these CD's, and thats what scares me the most.
Then there are the Chick singers. These women give all females a bad name. Britney Spears with her so called "knee surgery", where she went in a B cup and came out a D. Yeah her knees sure look like they benifited from that little hospital trip. There is Mariah Carey. She is the most evil of all, even Jennifer Love Hewit's Cd doesn't suck as much as any of Mariah's. And now she had a boob job, which seems to be the only way that any no talent female singer can put out an album, and have it sell. Also what is with her and her ass slapping? "She gets her ass slapped in her videos more times than in a porn movie," and her wardrobe is more revealing than a cheep ho.
Disclaimer-> this is only a page that reflects opinion, please don't take offense to anything said here.