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My Boring Life

Welcome to my online photo album. It ain't much, but it'll get bigger in time.

Let me just say that I am definately in the wrong business. I'm not a pilot, I just got a free ride on one of my deployments and this was definately a blast!

This was definately a cool bar. It's on an island in the Persian Gulf called Bah Rain. Oil is their biggest industry, but they're trying for tourism also. I think they have the right idea, but I have had better Pina Colatas.

This is me in Spain. I never knew how beautiful Spain was, and let me tell you...I'm definately going back.

This is the beautiful island of Crete. The people are nice, and the place is gorgeous, but is the only place in the world that I hadn't talked to a chick. Apparently their custom is once you approach, marriage will soon follow or hell is to pay. I ain't married yet and don't plan to be for a while!

Remember how I just said that I like to pick up on chicks? Here's one in Germany. Her name is Tiffany, she speaks English pretty good, and she's definately a doll. We had a good time.

Ok so here's what happened. Me and some buds were driving down a back road on some island in the Carribean... I don't remember which. Anyway so we see this cliff and think that it might be fun to jump. We didn't know how deep the water was so we went down to take a gander and couldn't really see. Did I jump?

Of course I did! It only looked about 3 foot deep. I could see little fishies swimming around, but something told me it was deep enough so I tried it. After a couple of jumps I decided to try to touch the bottom, but never did. That was a lot of fun.