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This recipe is from Paula Akins my daughter. Shes the one that I thought would never cook.


What you need:

These are not the real ones, but they will satisfy the taste buds.

Put hamburger meat, onions, and green peppers in a skillet. Cook untill hamburger meat is brown. When done drain, and add taco seasoning and follow instrutions on envelope. Simmer till juice is gone. While thats cooking, cut up velveta cheese, put enchilada sauce in a dish, because you will dip the flour tortilla in sauce. After you dipped a flour tortilla put refried beans, hamburger mixture, and velveta cheese on it. Roll it up and put in a 9 by 9 pan till pan is full. Pour remaining enchilada sauce over them, sprinkle remaining hamburger, black olives, and layer cheese over them. Bake at 350, for 30 mintues or until done.