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Granny Witch's Sugar Free Desserts

Apple Pie - sugarfree

Nutmeg & cinnamon to taste Peel, core and slice apples. Mix remaining ingredients. Pour into pie shell. Bake 400 degree for 45 minutes on cookie sheet

Key Lime Pie

Honey, flour, and corn starch in saucepan and gradually stir in water. Cook stirring constantly until thickened. Gradually stir mixture into beaten egg yolks, return to low heat and cook, stirring, two mintutes. Stir in margarine, lime juice, and lime rind and cool. Pour into pie shell.

Apple Crisp with Honey

Spray pie pan with vegetable spray. Put apples in the pan. Sprinkle juice over apples. Mix all other ingredients together. Pour over apples. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes or until golden brown. Yield 10 servings

Cheesecake - sugarfree

Cover outside of 8x3" springform pan with foil (to prevent mixture from leaking during baking). Spray pan with nonstick cooking spray, then evenly sprinkle graham-cracker crumbs in bottom; set aside. Preheat oven to 350F. In food processor with knife blade attached, blend light cream cheese and next 7 ingredients until smooth. Carefully pour cheese mixture over crumbs in pan. Bake 45 minutes. With oven door closed, turn off oven; let cheesecake remain in oven 30 minutes. remove; cool in pan on wire rack 30 minutes. Cover and refrigerate cheesecake at least 4 hours or until well chilled. To serve, carefully remove cheesecake from pan. Slice strawberries; arrange on top of cheesecake.

Orange Push-up Cheesecake

In a large bowl, stir cream cheese until soft Add dry pudding mix, dry gelatin, dry milk powder, and orange juice. Mix well with wire wisk, blend in 1/4 cup cool whip lite. Spread mixture evenly into pie crust and refrigerate for 1 hour (minimum)

Chunky Chocolate Pudding

In a large bowl combine dry pudding mix and dry milk powder, add water and yogurt Mix well with whisk. Blend in 1/4 cup cool whip lite, vanilla and nuts. Mix gently to combine Evenly spoon in dessert cups, top with cool whip lite Refrigerate 15 minutes before serving.

Mom's Apple Pie

Preheat oven to 375' In a medium saucepan, combine dry pudding mix, apple juice, and 1t. spice, add apples, mix well to combine. Cook over medium heat, stirring often, until mixture thickens and starts to boil Pour hot mix into pie crust and bake 20 minutes. Place on wire rack and cool completely When cool, spread cool whip over apple mixture, evenly sprinkle remaining 1/2t. spice over the top. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Cherry Crumb Pie

Preheat oven to 375. In a medium saucepan, combine dry pudding mix, dry gelatin and water. Stir in undrained cherries, cook over medium heat, stirring often, until mixture thickens and starts to boil, being careful not to crush cherries. Place on wire rack and let it set for 5 minutes. Spoon cherries into pie crust. In a medium bowl, combine graham cracker crumbs, sugar twin and pecans Sprinkle crumb mixture evenly over top. Bake 12 to 15 minutes, place on wire rack and allow to cool completely.

Grandpa's Old Time Spice Cake