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Chris' Space
Chris' Space

Hi! My name is Chris and I am a fifth grader at Homer Drive Elementary, in Miss Carroll's Class. Here are some things about me you might want to know!

Fourth Six Weeks
Perfect Attendance!

Here is a picture of ME!

Hello, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Christopher and I am ten years old. I was born in Beaumont, Texas and I still live there. I have brownish skin and my eyes are black.

These are some of the things I like to do. I like to play basketball and swim. I play basketball because it is fun to play, and I like to swim because it helps me work my arms.

I will tell you some of my favorite things. My favorite food is pizza. I like to eat pizza at CiCi's. My favorite kind of pizza is pepperoni. I ike pizza because it tastes good. I like music, too. My favorite kind of music is rap. My favorite rap singer is TuPac.

These are the things I think I will like about fifth grade. I will like math because it is easy. I think I will like social studies because I like to learn about people. I think I will like PE sometimes, but I won't like it when we have to watch movies in there.

Now you know all about me and the things I like to do. Thank you for reading my web page.

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