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Here are some links to places on the internet that may help practice skills, or even answer questions about homework! Click on the clipboard next to a description to enter each site. If you come across a link that no longer works, please e-mail us and let us know so we can remove it. Oh, yeah...and...Have fun!

Math Helpers

Flashcards to drill basic math facts. Includes all four operations, even includes a timer for timed drills.

Math tables for all math calculations. A great site for practice on math skills. Includes decimals, fractions and other higher level math skills.

Check this out if you are having problems with multiplication and memorizing the basic facts.

This site lists all of those really neat multiplication and divisibility tricks!

Make math worksheets to print out and practice at home. (Includes all four operations)

This site is a great place to work on math "word" problems, using all operations.

Visit Newton's Window and find lots of opportunities to practice math every day with your child!

More fun with math!

Language Helpers

This site contains a list of basic punctuation and mechanics. Great for "brushing up" on grammar skills.

Read a short story, then take a quiz on the vocabulary you read.

Poems to read, songs to sing, lots to see here.

Various "brain teasers" to get your mind moving!

This site organizes suggested books for reading according to the emotions they provoke. A great place to look for books to read with your child, especially if they are having difficulties with any of the areas addressed on the site.

Behavior Helpers

This site is dedicated to helping your child learn positive behaviors.

This site is dedicated to helping your child learn responsibility.

Have you found any good sites while you were surfing the web? If so, we want to know about them. E-mail us with the name and location of your site!

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