Issues Shack : Site and KoRn Info

KoRn News


News on the next album is that its gonna be released mid-2001. Korn has already written five songs for the record. It gets better too. Slated for the same release date as the 5th CD, Korn is going to release a double-live album. This is gonna feature songs played live from 1996-2000 including a very rare version of "Daddy".

Site News


10.28.00 - I added a KoRn desktop theme in the Goodies section. It contains two themes with cool sounds.

10.2.00 - Boy, news on Korn is slow these days. Anyway, I added full length audio to the Media section. Go listen to the songs.

8.28.00 - I added the Shack Stuff Store so you can go there and buy some kick ass Korn posters. Go there and check them out.