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More Beaded Beads

Here are more beaded beads, other embellishments for the basic bead.

Click here to see "Topaz Medley" made with these beaded beads.

The Cage

Make a 5-triangle basic bead. Needle down and take the needle through a middle triangle.

Make a loop of five 15/0s, one 8/0, and five 15/0s on the needle. Go back through the triangle pulling the loop tight. Proceed through the next 2-Delica element. Make a loop of five 15/0s, one 8/0, and two 15/0s. Take the needle through the last three beads of the previous loop and through the 2-Delica element and the next triangle. Work around until you reach the beginning loop. (7 loops) Come up through the first three beads of the first loop. Add two 15/0s, one 8/0, and two 15/0s to the needle and go down through the last three beads of the previous loop.

Needle up to a 1-Delica element above a Triangle and go through the Delica from right to left. Place five 15/0s on needle and go through the 8/0 in the center loop. Add five 15/0s to the needle and go back through the Delica from right to left.

Work around, adding four loops. Needle to the other end of the bead and repeat the loops beginning with a 1-Delica element above a Triangle and going through the same 8/0 bead as you did in the top round of loops.

Variation: When you needle to the opposite end of the bead, go through a 1-Delica element that is not over a Triangle and make the loops going through the other 8/0 beads. (I like this one better.)

The ZigZag

Make a 5-triangle basic bead.

Loop: two 11/0, one 8/0, two 11/0

Strand: two 11/0, one 8/0, two 11/0

Needle around and through a Triangle in the top row. Thread loop on needle and go back through the Triangle. Place a loop in each Triangle around the top of the bead (four loops).

Needle down to the other end of the bead and go through a 1-Delica element between two Triangle beads. Place a loop in each one of the single Delica elements around the bottom of the bead (four loops).

Needle through one loop and through the 8/0 bead. Add one strand to your needle and go up to the top end of the bead and through the 8/0 bead in the loop immediately to the left of the loop at the bottom. Work back and forth, adding strands of beads, zigging and then zagging between the top and bottom loops.

Variation: Start with an 8-Triangle basic bead. Loop remains the same. Strand: three 15/0s, three 8/0 drops/ three 15/0s. Work the same as the regular ZigZag.

The ZigZag

Make a 6-triangle basic bead. Needle around and through a Triangle at the top of the bead.

Loop=five 15/0s, three 8/0 drops, go back through two 15/0s and add three 15/0s.

Add one loop and go through the next Triangle in the vertical row. Work down the basic bead as shown here. Repeat on each vertical row of the basic bead.

And finally, Phantasia

I’m not sure how to use this bead, as its beauty reveals itself from the top, not when it’s hung on a thread and viewed from the side. I may choose to use it as a centerpiece on some freeform peyote with a bead at the top.

Make a 5-triangle basic bead. Needle around and through a Triangle at the top of the bead.

Loop A: five 15/0s, one 8/0 drop, back through two 15/0s, add three 15/0s.

Loop B: seven 15/0s, three 8/0 drops, back through two 15/0s, add five 15/0s.

Row 1: Work Loop A around, coming out one triangle and into the next one (bridging the Delica elements). Needle down to the next row and come out through a 2-Delica element.

Row 2: Work Loop A around, coming out one 2-Delica element and into the next one (bridging the Triangle beads). Needle down to the next (middle) row of Triangles.

Row 3: Work Loop B around, coming out one triangle and into the next one, again bridging the Delica elements. Needle down to the next row.

Row 4: Repeat Row 2.
Row 5: Repeat Row 1.

Page Updated Sept. 6, 1999. Copyright © 1999 Janie Warnick. All rights reserved.

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