You are not alone
Frequently asked Questions on depression
- Why is depression often misunderstood? Answer: Because people don't know what it's like to be depressed.
- What is depression? Answer: it's a mental illness that affects your brain and causes you to feel down.
- Is there a cure for depression? Answer: Not at the moment, but people are developing different kinds of medicine as we speak. I predict that with medicine advancing so quickly, there will be a cure for depression before the year 2015.
- Why do people think depressed people are not smart? Answer: Because people don't understand depression and it's cause.
- Are people depressed just to be depressed? Answer: Yes and no, no, because sometimes depression caused by selfishness is a sin, and yes, because things happen and we don't know why people get depressed even on strong medication
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Some people don't understand what depression is, and that really hurts. but at the same time the good lord and our savior Jesus Christ gave me what I have and I know there is a purpose for it as well as everybody else that has depression. Here are some tips to help with depression:
#1: Know that you are not alone.
#2: Know that You're in Gods hands
#3: Feel free to chat with anyone that cares about it, even me if you wish. My Yahoo ID is jasonclifton1 in case you want to search for me if I am online
This page was created on Sunday August 29, 1999