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If the devil were to write his own beatitudes, they would probably go something like this:

1. Blessed are those Christians who are TOO TIRED, TOO BUSY, TOO DISTRACTED to spend time with their fellow Christians in church - they are my best candidates to backslide.

2. Blessed are those Christians who WAIT TO BE ASKED and EXPECT TO BE THANKED - I can use them to slow things down. **Blessed are those Christians who are TOUCHY, with a bit of luck they may STOP GOING TO CHURCH and get others to quit - they are my missionaries.

3. Blessed are those Christians who are VERY RELIGIOUS but GET ON EVERYONE'S nerves - they are my most effective stumbling blocks.

4. Blessed are those Christians who are TROUBLEMAKERS - they are my best wrecking crew.

5. Blessed are those Christians who have NO TIME TO PRAY - they are easy prey for me.

6. Blessed are those Christians who are COMPLAINERS - they are my best discouragers.

7. Blessed are YOU when you read this and THINK IT IS ABOUT OTHER people and not yourself -- I've got you.

You Can Break Those Chains That Bind You...

Now, you have the choice of who you will serve. Me; Satin, or that other one; Jesus.

You can serve me, and I will give you the world...

Or, you can serve Jesus, and just see what He gives you... heh heh heh


