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(Author Unknown
This poem was sent to me from my dear friend: Jackie; it is something we all should think about.)

If you are ever going to love me

Love me now while I can know

The sweet and tender feelings

Which from true affection flow

Love me now while I am living

Do not wait until I am gone

And then have it chiselled in marble

Sweet words on ice cold stone

If you have tender thoughts of me

Please tell me now

If you wait until I am sleeping

Ever will be death between us

And I won't hear you then

So if you love me, even a little bit

Let me know while I am living

So that I can treasure it

Now she is gone and I am sick with guilt

because I never told her what she meant

to me.

Worse yet, I did not treat her as

she deserved to be treated.

I found time for everyone

and everything; but I never made time

for her.

It would have been easy to drop in

for a cup of tea and a hug but my

friends came first.

Would any of them have done for me

what my mother did?

I know the answer.

When I called mom on the phone,

I was always in a hurry.

I feel ashamed when I think of the

times I cut her off.

I remember too, the times I could have

included her and didn't.

Our children loved Grandma from the

time they were babies.

They often turned to her for comfort

and advice. She understood them.

I realise now that I was too critical,

too short-tempered, too stingy with


Grandma gave them unconditional love.

The world is filled with sons and

daughters like me.

I hope they see themselves in this

letter and profit from it.

It's too late for me and I am sick

with regrets. ***

If this has blessed you,



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