I Will

I know the plans I have for you
God’s Word would say to me
A future and a living hope
That all would know and see

That though the trials oft and strong
And eyes may shed a tear
You’ve never cause to worry
And never need to fear

For though the way unclear to you
May bring a thought of care
I myself will rise to help
Your load I’ll gladly bear

For I have fashioned you for things
Your eyes have yet to see
And you will rise when all is done
And give the praise to Me

I have a purpose and a plan
I know the way is long
But do not worry, do not fear
Rejoice again in song

And watch the waves and storm be stilled
By nothing but My hand
Stand and see the forces flee
Obeying My command

All powerful, all purposeful
All beautiful and still
My Master speaks His Word to me
And I reply, “I will”

By Cindy Blackamore
© 11-13-03