Carrying The Cross

There are many ways to carry a cross and I think I've tried them all.

First I tried grasping it by the cross-bar and lifting it high over my head.

Everyone could see my burdens and all were impressed by my strength and my courage.

But before long I fell under it's weight and my admiring friends became jeering foes.

Next I tried dragging it behind me, Friends were quick to wipe my brow.

But after awhile, my back became bent and I wept far too often.

And my friends soon deserted me for lack of a smile.

Then I thought Oh I know! I'll push it along.

New friends cheered me on, they thought I was great.

But the cross before me blocked all of my view. The final result? I pushed everyone out of my life.

Finally one day, in desperation I cried. "LORD, what do I do?

The burden's too heavy and the journey too long."

In resignation I fell down on my knees and looked up towards heaven and said, "LORD it's all Your's!

I can't do it alone." Then He came down beside me and dropped to His knees, and He lifted my burden with the greatest of ease.

He adjusted the cross, and ever so gently, settled half on my shoulders and half upon His.

{His half was much bigger than mine I noticed}.

Then He said with a smile, as He looked into my eyes, "Come, Let's take this thing home."

And that my friend, is how I discovered that the best way to carry a cross, is with your knees on the ground and your eyes looking up.