Daddy's Arms

It seems like only yesterday
I held you in my arms
A tiny bundle wrapped in pink
To keep from all alarms

I loved you from the moment
I looked into your eyes
I knew you were my little girl
And marveled at your size

And then you grew and toddled
Determined with each step
My outstretched arms would catch you
From danger you were kept

But now you stand beside me
My arms around you still
The swelling of my grateful heart
No other joy could fill

For now you’re a young lady
However could it be
That you’ve become so lovely
And still belong to me

Forever you’ll be Daddy’s girl
No one shall take my place
The love I have grows deeper
Each time I see your face

No matter where you wander
No matter where you roam
The safety of your Daddy’s arms
Will always be your home

By: C. Blackamore

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